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Car AC

Air-con Re-gas | Repairs

Admittedly, not the biggest problem during the autumn and winter months, yet once the temperatures rise, you’ll have nowhere to hide if your air-con is suffering problems.


Help is close to hand though, with WCC’s air-con reconditioning service.


Our air-con re-gassing service facility enables the timely removal of old refrigerant gas from your vehicle’s air conditioning system, and replacing it with new refrigerant. Essentially supporting the ready circulation of cold air once more.


If you’re not entirely sure that your car needs the air-con re-gassing, the tell-tale signs are fairly obvious. The temperature the system blows out isn’t overly cool any more. Plus, it might not feel that different when the A/C is switched off.


As a general heads up, if you don't recall when the air-con was last re-gassed, then it’s worth doing.


Call Us

Tel: 0151 353 0100

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Our Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm

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Our Services

- cambelt and water pump replacement 

- inspection service 

- oil service 

- fixed service 

- long-life service 

- brake pad and disc replacement 

- warranty work 

- diagnostics 

- air-con re-gassing and fault finding 

- tyre replacement, tracking and balancing 

- car battery replacement 

- MOT’s 

- electrical repairs 

Visit Us

Why not pop into WCC HQ and say hello when you’re passing.


Feel free to book your next appointment in person, as we’re always pleased to see both familiar and new faces. 

7 Chester Road, Heswall, Wirral CH60 3SE

© 2021 Wirral Car Care 2021 Wirral Car Care LTD. Created by Hyenadesign

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